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Why KloudTom?


In a modern software development environment, rapid and reliable infrastructure provisioning is crucial for efficient deployment and scaling of applications. However, many teams face significant challenges and inefficiencies when setting up cloud infrastructure manually, particularly in multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environments. This manual process often involves numerous steps, such as VPC creation, subnet configuration, security group setup, and instance provisioning, which can be time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to manage at scale.

Manual Overhead:
Teams typically spend 2 to 4 hours each time they need to create an infrastructure environment before deploying an application. This manual process involves a series of intricate configurations and setups, consuming valuable time and resources.
Complexity of Configuration:
Infrastructure setup involves various components such as VPCs, subnets, routing tables, security groups, and instance types. Each component requires specific configurations, including tags to identify roles or functions within the environment.
Lack of Automation:
Manual infrastructure provisioning is prone to human error and inconsistency. Teams often lack automation tools and processes, leading to inefficiencies, delays, and potential misconfigurations.
Visibility and Management:
Managing multiple environments across different cloud providers or regions can be challenging. Existing tools like AWS Console offer limited visibility and lack features for filtering or grouping environments, making it difficult to visualize and manage infrastructure resources effectively.
Cost Management:
Understanding and managing costs at the environmental level is essential for optimizing resource utilization and controlling expenses. However, existing tools may not provide granular cost visibility or support easy identification of cost-incurring resources within specific environments.
Multi-Cloud Complexity:
Teams may need to deploy applications on multiple public cloud providers, each with its own set of services and APIs. Managing infrastructure across multiple clouds requires expertise in each platform and adds complexity to the provisioning process.
KloudTom - Automated Infrastructure
KloudTom is a solution designed to address the challenges of manual infrastructure provisioning by automating the entire process. It offers the following key
features and benefits:
Streamlined Setup:
KloudTom automates the creation of cloud infrastructure, including VPCs, subnets, routing tables, security groups, and instance provisioning. This eliminates the need for manual configuration and reduces the time required for environment setup from hours to minutes.
Automated Tagging:
KloudTom automatically applies tags to resources based on predefined roles or functions within the environment. This simplifies resource management and enhances visibility, making it easier to identify and track components across different environments.
Environment Visualization:
KloudTom provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing environments, allowing teams to see their infrastructure at a glance. This eliminates the need to navigate through complex cloud provider consoles and improves overall productivity.
Cost Management Integration:
KloudTom integrates with cloud provider billing data to provide granular cost visibility at the environment level. Teams can track and optimize costs more effectively, identifying the expenses incurred by each environment separately and taking action to reduce unnecessary expenses.
Resource Lifecycle Management:
KloudTom automates the lifecycle management of cost-incurring resources, allowing teams to easily stop, pause, and resume resources as needed. This helps optimize resource utilization and reduce cloud spending.
Multi-Cloud Support:
KloudTom supports deployment across multiple public cloud providers, abstracting away the complexities of each platform. Teams can deploy applications on AWS, Azure, GCP, or other cloud providers without needing expertise in each platform.
Template-based Environment Creation:
KloudTom allows teams to save environment configurations as templates, making it easy to recreate environments with a few clicks. This promotes consistency and accelerates the setup of new environments, reducing time to market for applications.

KloudTom offers a comprehensive solution to automate infrastructure provisioning and management, enabling teams to focus on core business objectives without being bogged down by manual tasks and cloud provider complexities. By streamlining the setup process, enhancing visibility, and integrating cost management features, KloudTom empowers teams to deploy applications more efficiently and effectively in multi-cloud environments.

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